Friday, December 17, 2010
Final Play!


This best part I love the most. Rehearsals for plays are what I love. During the rehearsal, I mostly joke around with my own role to my friends. Hehe... We had some fun. Even though I was tired and having some sort throat, I still practiced. One time I was like going to back out because I knew who the audience were and I’m so shy playing a guy role. During the rehearsals, I got to know more about Anne because she’s a new classmate of mine and our roles were mostly in the same scene. I also got to know more with my other ‘new’ classmates who weren’t my classmate last year. Sometimes I feel sad during the practices because others do backbiting. I also felt sad because others didn’t cooperate. Sometimes I felt happy because I was with my best friend, Celine, sometimes I joke around with her whenever I’m bored during the practices. I also helped the music people if ever it’s not yet my part. I got to go to the computer room to edit the music. Even though it was tiring, it was worth it. Some of my classmates keep on repeating my favourite line ‘March upon them....’ I always practice that line of mine and tried my best to have the loudest voice for that line of mine. Few days after I keep on practicing my voice I got sore throat. I was sad because I can’t rehearse my voice again unless it goes back to normal. Some of the practices we played. I like the workshop thing we did. We’re struggling to do our very best for the play.
Audition Time!!!
During that time some of us were excited to audition the part we want. Some were nervous because maybe they will be called and asked to play the part. I was one of those. Sir Guintivano called me to audition for the two male roles. I was hoping if I could just pass for now because I want to do music. My feelings were mixed. That time I really don’t know what to do. I was like asking myself should I get the part or just stay as music person. I was also sad if I didn’t audition because I want to try a new one. That new one is to get a part in CAE. As I observe my classmates some were still nervous, like Nikka she told me that I should go forward a bit so that she can’t be seen by the directors to let her audition. Some were shy but still they want a part in the play. While I was watching my classmates’ audition I was already commenting like this one is good for this part and also this one. That time I was nervous for the class who would get the part because most of them fit the character they auditioned. I was asking some of my classmates if who they think fit the role. For me most of them fit the role they auditioned. They were good to look at. When Sir told me to audition I was nervous because some classmates of mine were new. I was happy after I auditioned because I did my best at it. I realize that most of us were good at acting.